Wednesday, October 24, 2007

my counselor

So, today my counselor completely blew me. This is only my third time meeting with her, so I'm not completely comfortable with opening up to her about things yet. While i know that I'm most comfortable talking to my friends, they are not counselors ad I need to pray about being comfortable with opening up to my counselor. She just made me extremely uncomfortable today when she said that she thought I was uncomfortable talking to her b/c of our "cultural differences". I obviously grew up around all different kinds of people and its just natural for me to not pay attention to those kinds of things. The cultural difference of a person is almost always the last thing I notice about someone, because its never been important to me. From the time I was born until now I've always had so many different friends and people in my life that are different from me and its just natural. It made me really upset that she thought that because I'm African American that I'd have a problem talking to her. It makes me wonder what other kinds of assumptions she made about me after knowing absolutely nothing about me. So now I'm even more uncomfortable talking to her, and that really stinks. But whatever, I'm going to pray about it and move on, and do my best to open up to her, because I know I need to be talking to someone.

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