Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So I've decided that from now on rather I'm in ballet or modern or jazz I have to have the best concentration possible no matter what, and always try to enhance my technique. I've also decided that I'm always going in the first group for things. My biggest thing I need to work on is picking up combinations quickly. I'm a natural at performing/presentation, I just need to work on the technique and details of things. At any rate, this starts tomorrow in Modern. I'm going to have the best concentration/focus, I am always going to be enhancing my technique and making it better as I'm working, and I'm also always going to go in the first group for things and force myself to always know the combinations. I am amazing at ballet, modern and jazz and I need to start acting like I know who I am instead of shying away from myself. I'm the best dancer they've got on their hands and I need to be proud of that. This is my first year dancing in a practicuum, Orchesis, I'm dancing in Christen Legg's piece for Winter Concert, and I'm of course going to be in at least 3 GP's. I need to remember who I am and know that "our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are more powerful beyound measure"-Nelson Mandela Inaugural Speech.

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