Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the overlooked

It sucks when you're in those situations of being the overlooked or the forgotten
I'm fighting to have a good friend
someone I can relate to
someone I can have fun with
someone who will appreciate me for the genuine person that I am
I thought I had found that in her, and I thought we were really good friends, but everyday she makes me see even more that we aren't so much.
We were one in the same, sisters in much more than one way...but not so much

i sat far away from everyone
behing a fog
she looked over and mouthed something to me
and turned away
she left me in my corner
behind my fog
i got stepped over
pushed around
and overlooked
its funny because at one time it wouldn't have been that way
we would have sat together or laughed
shared a joke or two
it sucks when you have to work for friends

I'm trying really hard
but i'm not sure of what she want
i got left behind the fog in the middle of a conversation
it seems evey day it gets thicker and thicker

maybe if i went out more
maybe if i drank more
maybe if i smoked
even if i cared more about boys
i wouldn't be behing the fog
but those things dont interest me

i'm not sure of what to do
or say
or how to live

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