Wednesday, November 14, 2007

making things happen

So I've been extremely focused on making things happen for myself lately. Everyday I'm realizing more and more that its up to me and me only to make things happen in my life. No one else can be responsible for my dreams, and no one else can make anything happen for me. This is a competitive and political world, and I need to surround myself with the right kind of people. I've been completely focused in all of my classes, I got a dance scholarship, I've been auditioning really well and getting casted in so many pieces, and I'm going to continue to do all of those things. I know who I am and what I'm here for, and for that I am blessed. I'm going to continue to stay close to God, and work hard in class, work hard on my choreography, perform well, and just feel good about fulfilling my dreams.

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